Graphics Design Skills

1. Communication A designer’s job is to communicate a client’s story, brand and ideas, but you’ll also need excellent communication skills to present, charm and negotiate for your work. It’s imperative to maintain professional in tricky situations and to be clear with a client on the brief. 2. Curiosity You won’t get far in design if you don’t have a love of art or an interest in the worlRead More…

Sanuk college

A world of possibility awaits as you prepare for the ultimate college experience. With all the excitement, however, comes a bit of nervousness. Sanuk College of Arts and Design is the best college in Kenya offering arts and design courses. Joining sanuk college is redefining your career and redeeming your passion. Study today at SCAAD college and be the person you desire to be. We have various cRead More…

SCAAD College

Welcome to the best  technical training Institution offering Diploma, certificate and artisan courses examined by KNEC .Sanuk College of Arts and Designs (SCAAD) seeks to breach the gap between a theoretically based and practical oriented courses. There is something I ever dreamed and ask God for is to leave a legacy. That I ever existed .To create An impact that someone helped me.A pusRead More…

Graphics Desgn

Learn to use the visual currency that defines our contemporary world. As a student in the School of Graphic Design, you’ll be mentored by faculty members with years of graphic design experience working with brand-name companies and strong ties to the overall industry (AIGA). Using the latest technologies, you will create a well-rounded portfolio that includes branding, experience design, motioRead More…

September Intake 2023

Sanuk college of arts and Designs -SCAAD College is the best college in Arts and Designs. We offer Artisan, Certificate and Diploma Courses in Graphics Designs, Interior Design, Project Management, Construction Management, Architecture, Information Communication Technology, and Landscaping Design. We also offer Professional Courses in Gypsum Installation, Interior Decoration, Interior Costing, GRead More…

School of Architecture Design-SCAAD

The School of Architecture is a progressive design laboratory of highly passionate students and a distinguished faculty of practicing architects, who work together to explore the boundaries of one of the most compelling professions you can enter today. Our highly diverse and international community enables us to cultivate a unique culture from which we address questions for the future of ouRead More…

Certificate in Architecture Technology

Certificate in Architecture Certificate course in Architecture prepares you for a job market. It is Practical oriented. This certificate course is equipping the learner with requisite knowledge in Building and Design as well as understanding the process involved in constructions. It forms a further training in the building industry. This course prepares you for a diploma course. Read More…

Certificate in Interior Design

Course Description Interior design is one of the competitive courses being sought by young people. It offers you with skills that are align with Kenya`s vision 2030 and TVETA goals and objectives to promote Competence Based Training and Skills. Interior design Level 5 consists of competencies that an individual must achieve to interior designs residential and public buildings in effectRead More…

Certificate in Landscape Design

Landscape designers aim to  bridge the gap between landscape architecture and garden design. If you’re a garden enthusiast, whether you want to create your own garden, pursue a career in landscape design or start your own business, this course is ideal for you. The Certificate of Landscape Design is a  professional development program that will provide you with garden design skRead More…