Artisan in ICT

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Join Sanuk college of Arts and Design to ICT Level 4 (artisan course in ICT)-Information communication Technology . ICT Level 4 consists of competencies that an individual must achieve to ICT sector in an effective manner and cost saving. It entails usage of ICT devices, installation of software, repairing and maintaining of a computer, application of Microsoft Office tools and usage of the Internet. SCAAD College exposes you to various aspects as outlined above in ICT. 

This course prepares you for certificate level and eventually Diploma and Degree courses in information communication Technology and related fields.

Field Attachment

It is envisaged that the trainee will have undergone a field training and assessment with a recognized ICT firm as a prerequisite for completion of this training course. At least 300 hours (8 weeks) should be spent on a supervised and assessed field attachment.

Entry Requirements

An individual entering this course should have any of the following minimum requirements:

  1. Attained KCSE with mean grade of E


  1. Information Communication Technology (ICT) National Certificate Qualification Level 3


  1. Equivalent qualifications in a related field as determined by Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA)

Career Progression

One can pursue Certificate in the same field upto Degree level

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